Christmas is by far the most awaited for holiday of the year, and many people start preparations almost a month before. To make your Christmas smooth, you must plan your things to do for Christmas properly. For this reason, we have compiled for you, a list of some of the most important things to do before Christmas.

Things To Do Before Christmas

Top 12 Things to Do this Christmas

  1. Deck the halls
  2. Christmas shopping
  3. Write letter to Santa
  4. Wrap gifts
  5. Make cookies / Christmas treats
  6. Send out Christmas cards
  7. Read Christmas stories
  8. Watch Christmas movies
  9. Play Christmas music
  10. Sip hot chocolate
  11. Do something nice for someone
  12. Wait for Santa

Christmas Bucket list

  • Donate to charity
  • Make a gingerbread house
  • Frost the windows
  • Craft DIY Christmas decorations
  • Build a snowman
  • Make a personal wish under the stars
  • Call relatives and friends you have not contacted for a while and just say ‘I love you’.
  • Make or buy a piñata in the shape of Santa, a Christmas tree, a candy cane, or a snowflake.
  • Kiss under the mistletoe

Things to Do before Christmas (1 month before)

  • Create a list of the to do things and then budget
  • Make your orders and bookings early enough
  • Create a gift list and stick to your budget
  • Ensure you have a plan for action; where do you plan to spend the main days? Plan early!
  • Get rid of the winter cloths and fill your closet with summer appropriate clad
  • Buy or make your Christmas cards early enough
  • Ensure you have the correct contacts of all your potential guests
  • Ensure you have packing bags, food bags and baking necessities
  • Order your Christmas tree early to avoid last minute disappointments
  • Inspect your Christmas decorations and replace anything that is worn out
  • If it’s going to be a Christmas party, send out invitations in time before everyone’s diary gets filled up.
  • Book hair and beauty appointments in good time
  • Get charitable and donate what you don’t need for summer like your winter clothes, toys and even cans
  • Ensure you have a backup power system for the holidays
  • Figure out what your Christmas menu is going to be and go shopping for all you will need
  • If you are gonna go for long drives, get your car some proper service in time
  • Find your Christmas scent. Ensure it reflects who you are what you want to feel.
  • Get creative and make some Christmas gift for your spouse or loved one. Trust me they will love it!
  • Make a playlist of all your favourite Christmas songs
  • Make personalised centre pieces for your tables and enjoy doing it! (But you could also just go shopping for them)
  • Make plans for public transport options in case of snow or Bank Holidays. The worst thing is to get stack during Christmas and a have all your plans ruined.
  • Make or buy a piñata in the shape of Santa, a Christmas tree, a candy cane, or a snowflake. Fill it with Christmas favors, Christmas candy, and any other Christmas goodie. In other words get ready for an exciting Christmas holiday.
  • Throw an eggnog tasting party. What better way to discover the best eggnog to have during the holidays than to have an eggnog tasting party?
  • Do something exciting and crazy to remember the festive with; like Bungee jump off a bridge. J Hey, whatever is crazy in your book, this is the time of the year!
  • Plant something that you will watch grow until the next Christmas season. Do this while promising you some needed growth or achievement. This will also be a good way to help you grow from this point in your life to the next.
  • After you have made a list of all that you will need to buy; ensure that you get something every time you go shopping until Christmas. This way it will hurt less!

12 Days Before Christmas To-Do Checklist

  • Buy or design a perfect heirloom gift for your family
  • Share your Christmas joy with others who have nothing by donating to any local food bank
  • Plan for a whole day when you and your family can decorate the house
  • Pull out your Christmas apron and bake some mince pies, Christmas biscuits and cookies.
  • Make your own Christmas wreath for both your gate and front door. Okay, this is not as challenging as you might imagine if you follow a tutorial on Youtube. But then again you can buy one and simply decorate it to your liking.
  • Have you been too busy for your board games? This is an excellent time to pull your favourite games out and play with friends and family for chocolate coins.
  • Pull out your skate shoes and go have an awesome time with your little one(s). If you have none, just go and glide on the ice, you deserve it too!
  • Plan for your own karaoke party with friends and a playlist full of great festive hits
  • It’s the season of goodwill, so other than the charity donations, make a random act of kindness by buying lunch for a homeless person or taking some flowers to the elderly neighbour.
  • Go to the Christmas markets and simply treat yourself to something unique
  • Get you Christmas jumper ready and have fun wearing it!
  • Gather up some fern cones and holly sprigs to decorate your home with.
  • Create your own paper chains
  • Prepare some dried oranges to add to your Christmas decorations
  • Book a photo shoot appointment
  • Make plans for a special Christmas dinner with your better half
  • Ensure you have enough lightings for you outdoor decorations
  • Cover your house in colourful fairy lights
  • Make your own ginger bread it will be an exciting Christmas activity to take away the tension that comes with the season
  • Plan for some interesting Christmas kids activity.{this should be part of your to do list even if you Have no kids, Take your nieces ,cousins and just have fun!
  • Make your own Christmas pudding
  • Make your own printable checklist of Christmas adult activities after kids have gone to bed
  • Plan for a day off and spend the whole day in your pyjamas
  • Call friends and family simply thank them for the little things that they never expected you to have noticed like just bringing you a cup of hot coffee when you were cold
  • Light candles and look through the year album while you cherish memories with friends and family
  • Get creative and have a festive picnic in your living room
  • Start a new Christmas tradition with your family or friends just to make sure that every year is as special as the last one
  • Update your social media with festive picture and look for a fun status to add to it
  • Go see Santa at his grotto and allow yourself to sit on his lap. Hey why not?
  • Make sure to keep spare chocolate boxes, drinks and snacks for unexpected gifters, handymen and neighbours.
  • Get everything you need to set a perfect nativity scene.
  • Leave some goodies out for Santa and just enjoy the Christmas magic without thinking too much.
  • Buy or knit your Christmas stockings and stuff them with special goodies
  • Bake some nice cookies and share with your neighbours. Trust me, they will not only love it but they will not forget!
  • If you have alot of gifts to wrap, then turn it into a gift wrapping party. Buy lots of gift wrappers, invite friends over to come with the gifts they need wrapped. It will be a fun time doing it together and they all leave with a holiday to-do checked off their list.

1 Week Before Christmas

  • If you’ve got people staying over, make sure you’ve got the necessities covered – sheets, pillows, spare toiletries, tea & coffee, etc
  • Create a ‘Kissing gate’ in your house with mistletoe.
  • Get on your knees and pray a prayer of thanksgiving to God. Say thank you for the far He has brought you and the gift of life.
  • Plan for time to wrap your gifts and do them like your life depends on it. Christmas comes once a year!
  • During the Christmas festive, days go very fast, so check on the list of resolutions you made and find out which one you achieved and which one you didn’t. This will help you as you go into the new year.
  • Go calendar shopping and remember to buy one for someone else.
  • Plan where and how you are going to spend your New Year’s eve.
  • Buy or dig out all the finest table cloths and napkins for Christmas and have them ready to impress
  • Take a walk in the beautiful Christmas weather and collect pine cones
  • Plan for a surprise Christmas drop in. Trust me this will be one stunt your guests will not forget, especially the kids.
  • Find out the posting deadlines for the relevant countries and send out your cards early enough.
  • Remind yourself of all the old Christmas coral you used to sing in your childhood by attending a carol concert this Christmas
  • Make your own perfect and huge gingerbread house – making it early means you can have it ready for display on Christmas day!
  • Take a ride on the outdoors after dark and simply enjoy the view, looking at all the Christmas lightings nearby.
  • Throw a decorating Christmas biscuit party
  • Take yourself out for treat and just care about you for one full day without thinking of anyone else
  • Bake cinnamon biscuits to hang on your tree.
  • Also give your front door and garden a proper spruce!
  • Take part in a local ‘Christmas Light Switch On’ event. Remember it is a magical reason so make the best of it!
  • Do some thorough cleaning, turn your house inside out if you have to but make it sparkle
  • Create a fun way to count down to Christmas day by having 25 pieces of paper and writing fun activities for each day.
  • Look for a nice Christmas snowman with a top hat.
  • Prepare for a fun treasure hunt. Make your loved ones look for hidden gifts using clues you have placed in different areas of the house. It will be fun for Christmas eve!
  • Get creative! Make gifts in a jar for your friends and neighbours. They’re inexpensive, easy and fun to make; and they can be given to anyone: teachers, neighbours, the mailman, other service providers.
  • Watch Christmas movies the whole day…..and just don’t leave your bed. You deserve the break!
  • Clean your oven, ready for baking!

Other Things to Do Before Christmas

  • Pre-order your turkey!
  • Plan for a day to make and freeze things like cookie dough and others.
  • It is also important to confirm that you have all the important hosting tools; Do you have enough glasses, Cutlery, beddings, food and everything else you will need to make your guests as comfortable as possible. Look out for sales and deals.
  • Gather your friends and family and go feed the street families just for a day. Putting a smile on their faces will definitely make your festive season one that is unforgettable.
  • Take some time to just catch up with your favourite cousin or best friend for a whole day.
  • Camp out in front of your Christmas tree one night with your kids or family. Keep the tree lights on and read holiday stories, while eating popcorn.

Things to Do On Christmas Eve

  • Go to church on Christmas eve and usher in the special day in the presence of God.
  • Go out and enjoy admiring the window displays. Stores go all out this time of year, and each window display is more magical than the one before.
  • Get your family and friends together and play Christmas trivia. You will be surprised how fun it can be when you do it with some music in the background and house full of cheer.
  • Enjoy your festive season to the fullest!