christmas traditions in spain

Christmas Traditions In Spain

December 16, 2017 Arshi 0

Source “Story como unas Pascuas”, when Spanish people start saying this, you know that they are happy and satisfied because Christmas is coming. For Spanish […]

christmas traditions in germany

Christmas Traditions In Germany

December 13, 2017 Arshi 0

Source Christmas, known as Weihnachten in German is the most important of all the festivals in Germany. It’s the time for celebrations, introspection and spending […]

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Christmas Eve Traditions

November 12, 2011 Cathy 0

Christmas is one of the most anticipated festivals of the year for those who celebrate it. They look forward to Christmas and prepare for it […]

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Filipino Christmas Traditions

November 1, 2011 Cathy 0

Filipinos celebrate Christmas season as early as September, so it is not surprising that Philippines hold the record for the longest Christmas celebration worldwide. Many […]