Hi Friends,

Christmas is around and we all are busy with shopping and preparations. Our decorations has almost finished and now we are looking for other things. Gifts, new dresses, shopping, holiday planning etc etc. Lot of work to be done. Here I am presenting some Christmas dishes for you. I am sure that you will love these dishes

Skillet Chicken with Creamy Sun Dried Tomato Sauce


The above yummy dish skillet-chicken-with-creamy-sun-dried-tomato-sauce is one of the wonderful dish for your christmas. You can make it by visiting cookingways.net

Creamy Tuscan Garlic Chicken


I am sure your guests will  love this just as much as Alisha did!. It is really wonderful that she has so kind to share the recipe of this wonderful recipe for you. You can make it here



love sea food. Then consider the above one. You can make it here

Creamy Parmesan Garlic Mushroom Chicken


You may love mushroom chicken. Again Alisha is done another variation of the creamy parmesan garlic chicken with mushroom. She is calling it as creamy-parmesan-garlic-mushroom-chicken. Visit her blog if you are interested to make it. I am sure that you will become a star of the christmas part for serving this . Make it here

Cuban Mojo Marinated Pork


Cuban Mojo Marinated Pork is another dishe you can consider to server you guests. It is a wonderful item that will earn you a special respect among your guests. Make it here

Shrimp & Sausage Skillet Paleo Meal


look at the above sea food delight,Shrimp and Sausage Skillet Paleo Meal. This wonderful sea food I have found at paleonewbie.com. You can make it here

Rosemary Chicken with Portabella Mushrooms


Here is another wonderful chicken dish. Serve this to your guest and become special hostess to your guest. I am sure mens will envy you hus and ladies will be busy to find a better dish for their husbands. You can make it by visiting the blog bakeatmidnite.com

Garlic Rosemary Pork Tenderloin


Try the above yummy item to make your guests happy. you can make it by visiting Tonia’s blog. She has written the recipes and step by step instruction here



Looking for a better soup . You can consider the above soup. You can make it by visiting pancakewarriors.com

Sundried Tomato, Spinach, and Cheese Stuffed Chicken


Spinach and Chicken is one of the best combination. Add sundried tomato and cheese to it, Oh my gosh, what a wonderful item. I feel so yummy by seeing this image itself. Do not just see and go. make it and serve it to your guest. You can find Sundried Tomato, Spinach, and Cheese Stuffed Chicken here

Chicken and Potatoes with Garlic-Parmesan Cream Sauce


The above Chicken and Potatoes with Garlic-Parmesan Cream Sauce is really yummy and I feel that this dish will make you a super host in front of your guests. I am sure that you will have lot of phone calls next day, for recipe. Do not worry, you can make it and share the recipe. Visit chuangah’s blog damndelicious.net