Christmas is the time that brings us opportunity to be more united to our family, friends and even to someone we didn’t totally known by means of celebrating it with joy and happiness within our heart. Christmas party is the most common activities that we do during this season. It can be Christmas party for students, for business related party, family and relatives Christmas party, for friends and many more. In gathering this kind of party, it requires a thorough planning if you want your party be successful and surely give guest a good time.

During parties, party organizer don’t forget to introduce some games for both kids and adult because of the fact that party without games is incomplete. And that’s why this is one of the most considerable activity in a party and also, it makes the whole party more exciting and enjoyable.

Games also enhance every guest’s fun spirit in order for them to be engaged and active for the entire gathering. So that’s why, we can also say that games is also one of the important ingredient in a enjoy and exciting party. Same with Christmas party, we should also don’t forget to introduce some Christmas games to bring more fun and excitement for each and every one.

If you are looking for some ideas and examples of games that can makes your Christmas party more interesting that are especially formed for Christmas, you can consider some sorts of thoughts underneath.

Christmas Party Fun Games

Pass the Gift Game

Materials Needed:

  •   Gift (wrapped with colorful Christmas wrapper)
  •   Collection of Christmas songs (in CDs, or DVDs)
  •   Pieces of paper sheets
  •   Container

How to Play:

  1. Cut the paper sheets into small pieces then from each pieces , write some exciting task like singing Christmas song, dance, perform and many more. After that, put it all into the container.
  2. Arrange the participants to form a circle. Then choose one among the participants that serve as the starting point of the passing game then give the gift. As the music start, pass the gift to the other participant until the next step happened.
  3. Once the music stops, the participant who’s holding the gift will pick a small piece of paper that containing the tasks into the container. The participant should perform the task listed into the paper that he/she picked up. Once his/her turn over, he/she will sit down and the other remaining participant will continue the game at the same process till each and everyone done on their performance.
  4. In determining the winner, party organize can assign judges to judge each participant’s performances which is the basis on how to choose the best and get the reward.

Wrapping a Gift

Gift Wrapping

Materials Needed:

  •   Paper gift wrapper
  •   Box
  •   Scissors
  •   Ribbons
  •   Roll of tape

How to Play:

  1. Divide all the participants into a groups with two members. Then bring them to their respective tables to be use as their wrapping place.
  2. Give those materials that will use in wrapping a gift in each pair such as the box, wrapper, ribbon, scissors and roll of tape.
  3. This game is almost like the usual gift wrapping process, the difference is the pairs should place their one hand in the back while wrapping the gifts so that it makes the competition be more fun and exciting. In, that way, the first player should only used their right hand while the second player should only use their left hand as they wrapped the gift.
  4. When the game starts, the pair should wrap the gift as soon as they can but not sacrificing its neatness.
  5. Lastly, the pair that firstly wrapped the gift with a good-looking style is declared as the winner and receives the reward.

Note: You can assign some people to judge those wrapped gifts or maybe use the audience or the other guest’s clap as the basis in determining the winner that receives the prizes.

Photo by Cali4beach on Flickr

Unwrapping Gifts using Oven Mitts

Oven Mitts

Materials Needed:

  •   Wrapped gift
  •   Oven mitts

How to Play:

  1. Select some participants come from the guests based on the numbers of wrapped gift and oven mitts available. Then give  each of them wrapped gift and a pair of oven mitts.
  2. As the time start, player should wear the oven mitts and unwrapped the gift as soon as possible until they entirely unwrapped the gifts, the first player that will totally unwrapped the gift will declare as the winner and receives the reward.

Photo by gina pina on Flickr

Christmas Stockings Hunt

Materials Needed:

  •   Christmas Stockings
  •   Christmas stocking’s stuffers (candies or miniatures)
  •   Flags
  •   Prize (it can be cookies and other sweets or maybe Christmas gift)

How to Play:

  1. Create three or more groups come from the guests that serve as the players for this game.
  2. Each group of players will be questioned about  some information which is related to Christmas season. For every correct answer of each groups, they will receive a flag stating some hints about the Christmas stocking’s stuffer.
  3. Finally, the group that get the highest number of flag hint as the questions depleted will obviously get the most of treasure package from the Christmas stocking and declare as the winner.

Blindfold Gift Wrapping

Blindfolding photo on Flickr

Materials Needed:

  •   Blindfold
  •   Box
  •   Wrapping paper
  •   Tape

How to Play:

This is a simple game that you can play during your Christmas parties, it just like wrapping a Christmas gift but the difference is, the players are wearing a blindfold that makes the competition among the players be more exciting and enjoyable. As old rules, the player that firstly wrap the gift with a better result among other declare as the winning player that receives the reward.

Note: As possible, the gift wrapper should already cut exactly suitable for the box that will wrap by the players in order to avoid harmful incident in using scissors in cutting those  while in blindfold.  Also, game planner can also already put the prize inside the box then just give it to the winning player.

Photo by Dennis Vu Photography for Unleashed Media