Christmas is a time for fun, festivity, and frolic and of course good food. It is a time when the whole family comes together; it is time to meet friends and relatives. Special Christmas dinner and lunch is prepared with different kinds of items in them. Among the different dishes that are cooked, chicken dishes need special mention for sure. There are different kinds of chicken recipes which you can cook and impress guests at the Christmas party.

Mentioned below are 15 mouth-watering chicken recipe ideas which are ideal for Christmas:

Lemon and herb roast chicken

It is quite evident from the name of the dish that it will be a lip-smacking one. This dish takes approximately 2 hours to be prepared and served. Once it is garnished and presented on the table, your guests will be kept wanting for more. Whole chicken is used in this dish, which is rubbed with dried herbs from inside and outside. The next part is that of roasting with olive and lemon. The best thing about the dish is that it is quite simple, but extremely delicious to taste. Must try for Christmas! Recipe Here

Cheesy garlic butter mushroom stuffed chicken

The name of the dish is quite a mouthful; just imagine the taste of the same! This is a chicken recipe to which all garlic mushroom lovers will swoon. The chicken is crispy and golden on the outside and buttery, tender and juicy inside. Two kinds of cheese are used in the recipe along with garlic butter mushrooms. The chicken can be served dry or in a creamy garlic parmesan sauce. The choice is yours. Both the options are equally tasty and sumptuous. Recipe here.

Soy-glazed roast chicken recipe

When you take a first look at this chicken dish, you might feel that it is burnt and will not taste good. But it is not so. It is the texture of the dish which is like that. The dark black color appears on the chicken as the sugar caramelizes. This dish takes about 2 hours to get ready. The chicken dish has unique taste. It is slightly spicy as well as tangy at the same time. You will also get a sweet finish in the dish. While the outside seems crusty and slightly hard, the interiors are done well and is juicy and tender. Recipe here

Buttermilk baked chicken

This Christmas chicken recipe is quite simple to make and is usually served with potato salad or slaw. When this chicken dinner is served, it seems more like an indoor picnic. This dish does not take much time to cook. While the total time taken is about an hour, preparation time is just about 10 minutes. After the dinner is complete and if there is any left over, it can be easily make school lunch. The chicken will be golden brown in color after it is baked. Recipe here

Holiday broiled chicken with Romesco sauce and pesto sauce

The moment you see this chicken dish your appetite will increase for sure and you won’t be able to wait for dinner time. This chicken recipe is made with pesto sauce and Romesco sauce. The vibrant colors of the sauces – pesto sauce is green while Romesco sauce is red, give the dish lovely hues. Both skinned and boned or skinless and boneless chicken can be used for this particular dish. Once it is on your plate, it will be highly relished. Recipe Here

Chicken mushroom spaghetti nests

Add this recipe to the Christmas menu and see how your guests just love it. This recipe is not only easy to cook, but is extremely delicious at the same time. Along with good amounts of chicken, add religious amounts of caramelized onions and porcini mushroomsto the dish to make it more appetizing. This spaghetti dish will be a winner on the Christmas meal table and moreover it is a comforting dish for the winter time. Work a little for the presentation of the dish and it will be great! Recipe here

Orange rosemary chicken thighs

This Christmas party if you are looking for a chicken dish which is not only great in taste, but takes less time to cook, you can never go wrong with orange rosemary chicken thighs. This dish has lovely flavors from the citrus fruit as well as from rosemary – a popular flavoring herb. The dish tastes best when it is served with brown rice. The orange imparts an interesting glaze to the whole dish and makes it look great. Recipe here

Lemon paprika chicken

Though the name of this chicken dish is lemon paprika chicken, the secret ingredient in it is white wine. Along with cooking this dish for Christmas, this chicken recipe is also great for a weeknight meal. The chicken is marinated in paprika and lemon mixture along with thyme and garlic. Chicken thighs are mainly used in making this dish and it is quite easy to make as well. After cooking, the dish looks tantalizing and amazing. While lemon imparts a tangy taste, paprika adds chilliness to the dish. Recipe here

Cheater’s white wine Coq au Vin

If you are looking for an elegant looking chicken dish for your Christmas menu, you can try the Cheater’s white wine Coq au Vin. This is a classic French recipe which is sure to be loved by your guests and your family members. The only thing with the dish is that you have to pay great attention and have patience to cook this dish. Dry white wine is used in this recipe. This gives the dish its elegance. Red wine is generally used in chicken dishes, but it is avoided in this one. Recipe here

Roasted chicken and vegetables

This dish is not only perfect for the Christmas menu, but it can be made a part of a meal before Christmas. During the holiday season, everyone is busy and leads a hectic life. This dish is comparatively easy to cook and takes less time, but is delicious and wholesome at the same time. Do not roast the carrots in any kind of sauce. Rather, try roasting them in balsamic vinegar. When the carrots are caramelized, a strange kind of sweetness comes to the vegetables. This dish has lovely colors and is a favorite with the kids. Recipe here

Chicken marsala

The greatest advantage of this chicken recipe is that it can be cooked quite ahead of time. In fact, you can make it one to two days before Christmas and serve it on the day. The main reason behind it is that the chicken tends to become softer as it remains submerged in the Marsala sauce. The presentation of the dish looks fascinating and your guests are sure to love the same. With the right amount of spices, the dish is a favorite with children as well as adults alike. Recipe here

Breaded chicken cutlets with sage

The crisp cutlets on the Christmas meal table will surely be a winner. But these cutlets come with a slight twist. The use of sage adds depth to this grand recipe. The recipe takes about 45 minutes to be done completely. The chicken is marinated in buttermilk so that it remains moist even after frying. The herbed bread crumbs, add to the crunch and the flavor at the same time. The sage leaves are mainly used for garnishing. They are put in hot oil and kept until they start curling. Place the leaves on the cutlets. Recipe here

Baked chicken chimichangas

This is a very special chicken dish which can be eaten once or twice in a year and what better time than having it for Christmas? The specialty of this chicken dish is that it has lots and lots of cheese in it. It is laden with fat. There is also abundant use of olive in the dish. The dish looks so very tempting that the moment you take a look at it, you cannot but resist in having the same. You can of course gorge on the sumptuous baked chicken chimichangas on Christmas day. Recipe here

Garlic basil chicken with tomato butter sauce

Chicken can be prepared in innumerable ways. How about having chicken, which is coated with tomato sauce, which is made from garden fresh tomatoes, minced garlic and basil? The dish looks extremely delicious with a lovely golden color. It acts as a wonderful side dish for fried rice, chowmein, spaghetti, etc. For garnishing, use basil leaves. It also adds color to the dish.

Chicken breasts stuffed with tomato, cheese and basil

When cooked normally, chicken breasts can be boring to eat. How about giving a twist to the chicken breasts by stuffing the same with tomatoes, cheese and basil? This dish just takes about an hour to prepare. Along with being delicious, it is also healthy at the same time with natural ingredients. Recipe here

Try making these chicken dishes before Christmas and see how they come up to be. You can then try them for Christmas meals for your family and friends!