Amongst all holidays, Christmas day is my favorite. When I was a kid, I always wait for Christmas to come. One of the reasons for this is that I love all the food and candies I get during Christmas Day. So, let me share you this wiggling, jiggling sweet Jelly candy you can prepare for your kids.



  • 5 Packs of Unflavored Gelatin
  • Half Cup of Sugar
  • 2 tablespoon Lemon Juice
  • 2 cups of Fruit drinks or juice

Cooking Procedure

1. Combine the non-flavored gelatin and sugar in a mixing pan or small saucepan. Then, add your preferred fruit juice. Let it set for about 5 minutes.

2. Heat the mixture and let it boil. Once the gelatin is completely dissolved, add your lemon juice.

3. Pour the mixture in a shallow pan and chill.

4. With the use of spatula, turn baking pan to remove the gelatin.

5. Cut the Jelly Candy into various shapes using cookie cutters. Place the candies on a rack. Let it dry.

6. Once it completely dries out, set it in dessert tins with covers. Put thin wax paper after each layer.

This Christmas candy is perfect for dessert and kiddie treats. It can last for about 4 to 5 days. Merry, Jelly Christmas!