Tracking Santa: The 18th Day
(December 18)

Today is a very interesting day.


I had a quick stop for a cup of hot chocolate over at the Clauses. As usual, Saint was playing wonderful music pieces at the piano. Mrs. Claus was making the hot chocolate drink. Santa was not there, he was in departments of the operation Christmas Advent, supervising how things are going on.


I was sitting in the receiving room where they admitted guests. There was a really tall Christmas tree standing, ornamented by lights brightly shining like colorful fireflies. What was amazing was that the tree was real, and was planted deep in the ground. Inside their house. So this means that over time, the tree is growing. The lights on the trees seem to blink, dance, and beat along with Saint’s melody on his piano.


Then, Mrs. Claus came in. She was smiling and was carrying a tray of three steaming hot chocolate mugs. The scent of chocolate and cinnamon blending together—bitterness and sweet—contrasting the season’s chilling climate. Mrs. Claus sat down on a comfortable chair next to me and fixed her self. A very large glass window was behind her back.


“So how are you, my dear?” Mrs. Claus asked, smiling and taking a sip of her hot chocolate.
“Oh, I am very much fine. How are you, Mrs. Claus?”


“Ah, I am always fine and right now I am happy to receive you hear again. How are things in the Craft Workshop?”


“Busy, as always. We have been doing a lot, since Christmas is come closer and closer. I have never been this busy all my life, but I have never felt a sense of fulfillment, too. I am so glad and blessed that Santa Claus chose me to be the head designer.”


“Ah. It is because you are a very good artist, young one.” She said, laughing gently.
“Oh Mrs. Claus…” I said. I took a sip of my hot chocolate again and something flashed in my mind. Around the world, for many years already, during the eve of Christmas children will leave a glass of warm milk and some cookies beside the Christmas tree for Santa to eat. And when they awake on the following morning, the milk and cookies are gone. I asked about this to Mrs. Claus.


“So if he eats all those cookies and drinks all those milk… Doesn’t he get too full to move?”
“Oh heavens, what a question,” Mrs. Claus said. “Some of it he eats when he gets hungry—because surely when you’re traveling ‘round the world carrying a large bag of gifts you’ll get hungry. But some of it, he collects and gives it to his reindeers for refreshment.”


Til next time!
